
10 Toothbrushing Mistakes

Toothbrushing is such an ingrained habit, few people think twice about it. But as with any habit, you can get sloppy, and that can lead to cavities and gum disease. Here, dentists and oral health experts point out 10 common toothbrushing mistakes and how to fix them.

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Smiling Could Help With Stress: Study

If you're feeling stressed, maybe the best thing you can do is crack a smile. New research shows that smiling -- and especially genuine smiling (where your eyes and mouth muscles are engaged) -- may play a part in lowering heart rate after you've done something stressful. The study will be published in the journalPsychological Science.

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People with severe sleep apnea five times more likely to die from cancer, study shows

Sleep apnea is a problem that goes well beyond annoying your partner with loud snoring. Research is showing it can raise risk for heart attacks, stroke and diabetes. Now, a new study finds it can make a person five times more likely to die from cancer.

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Snoring: A Sign of Serious Health Problems?

Do you think you have sleep apnea? Call us, we can help!

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Dr. Sakurai wearing the tie that his son made for him for Father's Day

Dr. Sakurai Orange County Dentist